Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 30

1. Front sqt ladder. Guys start at 245 and up by ten every minute. Girls start at 135 and up by ten every minute until 205 bar, then up by 5s.

2. 15 wall ball 40/30 scale as needed
    15 ring dips
     rest 90 seconds x3

3. Wearing a weight vest 20/10 lbs. Do a standing vertical leap, reset and repeat for a total of 3 jumps, rest 30 seconds x10. Each jump is all out as high as you can get.

4. 5 rounds
    1 rope climb on 20+ foot rope/ 2 climbs on a 15 foot rope.
    20 yard sled drive. Make it heavy.
5. 50m Sprints while dragging a sled. Sled should slow you down but should still be able to move quickly so make sled as heavy as you need depending on the surface your on. Rest 60 sec x10

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