Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 31

1. Front Squat 3 sets of 2. FYI, the sets always say 3 and that's just because you should be doing at least 3 heavy sets, you can always do more and the weights don't have to stay the same each set. So if you are feeling good and wanna keep moving the weight up and you do a bunch of heavy sets, that's great.

2. 3 rnds
    10 db thrusters 50/35
    10 chest to bar
   rest 2 min
    3 rnds
    8 db thrusters
    8 chest to bar
   rest 2 min
    3 rnds of 6's
   rest 2 min
    3 rnds of 4's
   rest 2 min
    3 rnds of 2's

3. 100 double unders then 10 burpee box hops 24/20
    rest 90 sec
    80 and 8
    rest 90 sec
    60 and 6
    rest 90 sec
    40 and 4
    rest 90 sec
    20 and 2

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30

1. Push Press 3 sets of 2

2. Front Squat 2 reps on the minute for 10 minutes. 315/205

3. 30 ohs 135/95
    row 1k
    30 hspu on 45s

4. 10 muscle ups rest 2 min x3

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29

1. Jerk heavy singles

2. Back squat 3 sets of 2

3. 1 power snatch 1 sqt snatch 1 hang sqt snatch. Do this sequence every 30 sec for 5 min. 155/105

4. 3 rnds
    7 clean to overhead 205/135
    7 muscle ups

5. 10 push ups 10 toes to bar on the minute for 10 minutes

6. 1k row rest 1 min x3

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25

1. Bench Press 3 sets of 4

2. 10 lunge steps on the minute for at least ten minutes holding 50s/35s.

3. 21-15-9
    db ground to overhead 50/35
    burpee pull ups

4. 50 sit ups with feet anchored, rest 1 min x5

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 24

1. Snatch heavy singles

2. Front Squat 3 sets of 4

3. 15 power snatch rest 30 sec x2

4. 40 front squat 105/85
    40 chest to bar
    40 front squat 95/75
    40 ring dips
    40 front squat 85/65
    40 toes to bar

5. run 800 rest 1 min x3

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23

1. Sqt clean heavy singles

2. Push press 3 sets of 4

3. double kb clean to overhead 70/45. 10 reps rest 90sec x4

4. 3 rounds
    10 squat snatch 135/95
    run 20 meters down and back 2 times
    10 chest to bar
    run 20 meters down and back 2 times

5. 12 hspu rest 2 min x4. Guys use 2 45 lbs plates stacked on each side. Girls use a 45 and 25.

6. 20 yard sled drive rest 60 sec x10.

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22

1. Back Squat 3 sets of 4

2. 15 power clean rest 3 min 15 power clean 225/155

3. 30-20-10
   kb swings 80/55
   hops 30/24 inch. stand on box before jumping down

4. 15 muscle ups rest 90 sec 10 muscle ups rest 45 sec 5 muscle ups

5. row 400 meters rest 5 min x3. max effort each time.

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19

1. Deadlift 3 sets of 6

2. Thruster 10 reps 185/115 rest 90 sec x3

3. 3 rounds
    21 ohs 135/95
    21 toes to bar
    after the 3 rounds do 50 burpees with 6 inch touch

4. 50 sit ups as quick as you can with a 50/30 lbs db or kb held to your chest.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18

1. Front Squat 3 sets of 6

2. On the minute power cleans for 15 min. minutes 1-5 do 3 cleans 225/155. minutes 6-10 do 2 cleans 255/165. minutes 11-15 do 1 power clean 275/185.

3. 4 rnds
    20 wall ball 12ft
    20 yard farmer carry. Use whatever heavy implements you want
    20 chest to bar
    20 yard farmer carry

4. Weighted ring dips 8 reps on the minute for 15 minutes. Weight is up to you

5. 15 rope climbs for time

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17

1. Bench Press 3 sets of 6

2. Power Snatch 15-12-9-6-3 rest 90 sec between sets. 155/105

3. Row 500 m
    60 kb swings 80/55
    30 muscle ups
    Row 500 m

4. 100 hand release push ups

5. row 1k rest 90 sec row 250m five times with 90 sec rests. So you row 1k once and then 250x5

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


1. Push press 3 sets of 6 2. 5 front squats on the minute with ascending weight. Guys start at 225 and up by 10 each minute. Goal is to do ten minutes. Girls start at 135 and up by tens till 185 then up by 5s. Goal is ten minutes. 3. 21-15-9 Shoulder to overhead 185/115 Box overs 30/24 4. 50 double under rest 20 sec x10.

Monday, October 15, 2012

october 15

1. Snatch heavy singles

2. Back squat 3 sets of 6

3. 10 power snatch 135/95 rest 30 sec x4

4. 3 rounds
    8 power clean 245/160
    8 hspu on 2 thick 45 lbs plates per side

5. 20 yard sled push rest 1 min x10

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12

1. Jerk heavy singles 2. Bench heavy singles 3. for time 30 power clean 135/95 30 hspu on 45s 30 pistols 30 cal row 30 burpee with lat hop over bar 30 ghd sit ups 7 rope climbs 4. 30 muscle ups

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11

1. 10 shoulder to overhead 225/155 rest 2 min x3. 2. 6 walking lunge steps on the minute for ten minutes. Hold heavy kbs at your side 3. 3 ends 20 wall ball 40/30 60 double under 4. 5 strict pull ups on the minute for 15 minutes. Weighted as heavy as you can. 5. Row 1k rest 90 sec x3

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10

1. Max Front Squat

2. 5 dl on the minute for 10 minutes. 365/235

3. 21-15-9
    Bench Press 185/115
    chest to bar

4. 1 minute plank hold with 45/25 lbs plate on your back rest 1 min x5

5. Max vertical leap, reset and do 3 times. rest 30 sec and repeat 10 times

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9

1. Max Snatch

2. 6 kb thrusters 70/45s on the minute for 10 minutes

3. 7 rounds
    5 squat snatch 135
    10 toes to bar

4. 15 burpee box overs rest 90 sec x3 24/20 inch

5. row 500m rest 1 min x6

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8

1. Max squat clean

2. 5 power snatch 155/105 rest 30 sec x6. After 6th set switch to 165/110 and do 6 more sets of 5 with 30 second rest.

3. 5 rounds
    5 muscle ups
    5 front squat 225/155

4. Handstand walk as far as you can for 5 sets

5. Prowler drive 20 yards rest 1 min x10

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5

1. Snatch 90-95% 5 sets of 1

2. Deadlift 3 sets of 3

3. for time
    10 shld to overhead 225/155
    20 burpee with touch 24/18 inch above max reach
    30 calorie row damper on 10
    40 overhead squat 135/95

4. 10 Toes to bar on the minute for at least 15 minutes

5. 5 weighted dips on the minute for 15 minutes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 4

1. Bench Press 3 sets of 3

2. Back Squat 5 reps on the minute for 10 minutes. 315/205

3. 3 rnds
    30 chest to bar
    15 box overs 30/24 inch

4. 1 minute of double unders, rest 1 minute. x5

5. Hold a plank with your hands as far above your head as possible for 20 seconds, rest 1 minute x5. For these planks your hands and feet are on the ground, not your elbows.

October 3

1. Front Squat 3 sets of 5

2. 8 sets of 20 sec on and 10 sec off. KB swings 80/55 lbs

3. 3 rnds
    10 DL 315/205
    15 HSPU on 45 lbs plates
    then after the 3 rounds row 1000m

4. 3x10 tuck jumps. 1 min rest
    3x12. 1 foot on a box, the other on the ground jump up as high as you can. Rebound as soon as you hit the ground. 1 min rest. Do 3 sets on one leg and then 3 on the next.

5. run 800m rest 1 min x2

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2

1. Push Press 3 sets of 3

2. 3 power snatch 185/120. On the minute for 15 minutes

3. 21-15-9
    Thrusters 135/95
    Toes to bar

4. 3 muscle ups with weight vest 20/10 lbs. On the minute for 15 minutes

5. Prowler push 20 yards, rest 1 min x10.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1

1. Squat Clean 90-95% 5 sets of 1

2. Back Squat 3 sets of 3

3. Power Clean 3 sets of 10. Rest 90 sec between. 225/155

4. 3 rnds
    7 sqt clean to thruster 205/135
    20 yard backwards sled drag. Make it as heavy as you can handle
    7 rope muscle ups. For the rope muscle up you hold onto two ropes that are about shoulder width.
    20 yard backwards sled drag
    (if you cant do rope muscle ups than do x2 rope pull ups)

5. 10 wall ball 40/30 lbs and 10 toes to bar. Do this cycle at the top of every two minutes for 5 sets.

6. Row 30 cal. Rest 1 min x5