Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 12

1. Snatch 90-95% 5 sets of 1

2. Bench press 3 sets of 4

3. Lunges with bar on back (take bar from the rack and step forward till knee hits and then bring leg back, then do next leg, that's 2 reps) Do 3 sets of 10 with whatever weight you can handle.

4. 2 rnds
    20 wall ball 30/20 lbs
    20 ghd sit ups
    then row 1000m one time
    right into 2 rnds
    10 muscle ups
    10 ohs 165/110 lbs

5. Stand on top of a box 24/20 inch. Drop off the box and explode vertically as high as possible as soon as you hit the ground. Then step back on the box and repeat for 5 reps, then do 5 reverse hyperextensions with whatever weight is good for you. Dont go to heavy and get out of control swinging the weight. This is a supplemental movement not a max effort movement. Rest as needed and do 7 sets of the 2 movements.

6. row 300m all out rest 3 min x3. after the last one rest 3 min and go to 200m all out rest 2 min x3. after last one rest 2 min and go to 100m all out rest 1 min x3.

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